QT streaming server product page
QT Sample Code including: Embedding QT
a few tidbits
MacMice The Mouse. I love this product. Let me say it again: “I Love This Mouse”. I bought one about a year and a half ago. It crapped out fairly soon, but the folks at DVForge sent me a new one instantly – no questions asked and they were very nice about the whole thing. It has worked fine ever since. I have tried the Apple Mighty Mouse. This one is better. Feels better. Works better. They simply got it right. The overall feel is that of an Apple Pro mouse, but the scroll-wheel/middle button is a better proportion for the human finger.
There has been some flap on MacSlash about the guy who owns/owned the company. I could care less. Let me say it again: “I Love This Mouse”.
They now seem to be about 1/2 the price they were when I first bought…
Music to make code by, according to Red Hat Linux developers. “Hats Off” to the inclusion of The Living End
From The Ethical Hacker Network comes: Essential Wireless Hacking Tools, and even more important, Protecting Against These Tools.