very obnoxious old house

I just subscribed to This Old House Magazine online and was greeted with this message after I checked out.

Subscriber’s Automatic Renewal Program:
You authorize This Old House Magazine to charge your credit/debit card or your PayPal account at the price above now and in time to renew your This Old House subscription, without interruption, before the start of each new annual term at the guaranteed low rate then in effect unless you tell us to stop. You may cancel at any time during your subscription by contacting customer service and receive a full refund on all unmailed issues. If your credit/debit card or your PayPal account cannot be charged, we’ll bill you directly instead.

I immediately called and and had them take off this “feature” on my account. To be fair, I went back and looked a the fine print in the checkout proceedure and that language was there beforehand.

In this day and age of identity theft, to have a major corporation hold onto my personal and credit card information for two years, just to auto-renew my subsriptions seems foolish.  Foolish for me in the exposure to my personal credit,  and foolish for them in that the cost of keeping that data 100% secure (do you think consumers would ever give them their credit card numbers if they were stolen en-mass?) for those 2 years has got to be outweighed by the risk associated with that.  Perhaps someone did  a cost analysis that proves me wrong.  I just think you could figure out a more creative way to keep subscribers – without the risk to all parties.  It is quite easy – have good product.
Also, I still think it is an obnoxious business practice.


Kiss the PalmOS and the Treo Goodbye

Analysis from PC Magazine: “Palm’s Dangerous Path”

Palm unveiled their first Windows Mobile Treo today…

As a palm user since around 1996, and a Treo 600 user from the minute they came out (I had seen one early, for about 2 seconds, in the hands of uber-designer Peter Skillman and HAD to have it) I am greatly saddened.

The reason the device was successful, in my opinion, was the simplicity of the PalmOS. It does a few simple things and it simply does them well. Originally the Address Book and Calendar. The addition of the phone was both a no-brainer and a home run. Lots of other companies tried, but they could not match the good, clean design of the Treo or the simplicity of the Operating System. Remember that bulky blob of a thing Qualcomm could never get off the ground? The pdQ. Blech. The Kyocera pdQ2. Ewww.

…the weight of Windows may come as a shock to existing Treo users.

Another step backward is the reduction of screen resolution from 320 x 320 to 240 x 240 because, you guessed it, Win Mobile can’t support the higher resolution.

I can’t imagine putting up with that garbage and overhead. Who needs it?

Count me out.


About Time They Released Palm Desktop for Mac – Too Bad It Sucks

Palm Desktop 4.2.1 Rev C for Mac seems to have been written by the dimmest person at Palm. (originally published at:

Unfortunatly, I did not have the sense to look at Version Tracker first – where it has been vary fairly reviewed. Doh!

The software is, to put it mildly, a piece of JUNK. It totally hosed my Mac by changing all sorts of permissions. I tried to open Dreamweaver, for instance, and was asked to authenticate. Won’t even let me use it when I type the admin password. Huh?

Even after running AppleJack, I seem to still to be up the proverbial creek without a paddle. :-(