Hollywood AutopsyI bought a Fender Mustang guitar in the Fall of 1982 from a guy named Johnie [see addendum below] who was in a band called Hollywood Autopsy. I still have the for sale poster that was hung around the Madison campus. I also have a flyer advertising the band warming up for Gun Club at Merlyn's, located at 311 State St. in Madison, WI. It was an intense show. Peeking around on a BBS over at The Isthmus I ran across a thread entitled Merlyn's Memories and was inspired to post this personal memorabilia. Some day I will learn how to play the guitar. Click the thumbnails below to enlarge the images. If you look closely at the poster, you can see that the $2 cover charge was changed, by hand, to a whopping $3.
I love the tag lines:
"It's our own stupidity that allows naive integrity." Addendum:
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